New Card: Faceless Shambler (?) Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!

Faceless Shambler (?) is the latest reveal from the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion! Thanks to Reddit for the translation.

The card was translated so the name and text might be different!

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  1. TacoRocco
    March 24, 2016 at 7:39 am

    I have to say, this card is very interesting, but I am unsure if it will ser much play over just a Faceless Manipulator. This card, however does have its advantages.
    First of all, let’s list some disadvatages:
    1) It is vulnerable to silence, and earth shock will always just kill it. If it is silenced, it becomes only a 1/1.
    2) It can only copy your own minions, so you need to already have a high stat minion on the field.
    3) Without a minion to copy stats from, it is a 4 cost 1/1 with taunt, which is really bad.

    Now, some of the benefits:
    1) It has taunt, so if you copy a big minion, it will become a giant wall.
    2) It copies only stats, not effects. This means you can copy the stats of a minion with a temporary stat boost from cards such as Dark Iron Dwarf, Power Overwhelming, Ysera’s Nightmare, etc. and not gain the negative effects. For example, this means you can give another minion +8/+8 with two Power Overwhelmings and then copy the stats with Faceless Shambler and you would get at least an 8/9 with taunt, but Shambler won’t die from the side effects of Power Overwhelming.
    3) Faceless Shambler is only 4 mana, compared to Faceless Manipulator’s 5 mana cost.