Jade Lotus Card Reveals – Card Release Schedule and Special Card Reveal

The final gang from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion is the Jade Lotus!

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Here’s what a Jade Golem is:

In taverns, alleyways, and tea houses throughout Gadgetzan, the foolish whisper fearfully about the mysterious Jade Lotus. They say we lurk in every shadow. They speak of strange magic never seen before. They do not understand us because our motives are not like theirs. Our one purpose in this city has been to acquire jade for our leader. Not for wealth. No, our secret lies in how the magic within these stones can be drawn forth to create Jade Golems, powerful living statues that do our bidding. Many of us have been granted trinkets that can summon these warriors in the blink of an eye. More impressive, each Jade Golem we summon arrives more powerful than the last. Soon we will unleash them upon Gadgetzan and our enemies will know what it is to face a truly unrelenting foe. [Source]


The first Jade Golem you summon will be a 1 mana 1/1, the next one will be a 2 mana 2/2, then a 3 mana 3/3, etc. The mana cost stop at 10, but the power and health continue to increase.

Jade Lotus Card Release Schedule


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  1. Beefmammoth
    November 22, 2016 at 9:03 am

    What happens if JG gets removed without being killed? Like sap or entomb. Would the stats reset or keep going?

    • Evident - Author
      November 22, 2016 at 9:18 am

      I’m guessing they would keep going, the act of summoning a Jade Golem from the “Jade Golem” trigger is what would increases the stats.

  2. AlanDR
    November 22, 2016 at 12:34 am

    Don’t like this mechanics, one might possibly think that it favors control decks, similar to c’tun cards, but I actually believe its not. I predict this meta will still remain all about agro and midrange. Shamans will be as strong as ever, and if now you can try to survive and outvalue them in lategame – with the new expansion this wont be an option. So it will be high tempo and strong mid-late shamans against agro-mid hunters/warriors/paladins – fighting for whoever gets a luckier draw. Control as dead as ever.. I really hope that I am wrong 🙂

  3. Njuns
    November 21, 2016 at 8:07 pm

    So just to make clear, the Jadegolem will “rise” only if he stays alive ? What if we have a 1/1 JG on the board which get killed and then summon another golem ? Will he starts back to 1/1 or summoned at 2/2 ?

    • d-money
      November 22, 2016 at 7:31 am

      No, its similar to the effect of Lord Slitherspear’s hungry nagas. Each jade golem you summon will have +1/+1 stats from the last one. So you summon a 1/1, then a 2/2, etc. and it does’t matter if they live.