DreamHack Winter 2014 HS Championship

DreamHack Winter 2014 Hearthstone Championship took place in Sweden on 11/27 through 11/29. The 32 person tournament had a prize pool of $25,000 earning the first place winner $10,000. 8 of the 32 players earned a spot in the tournament by competing in an online qualifier tournament.

BlizzCon 2014: Hearthstone World Championship

The Hearthstone World Championship took place on November 8th and 9th at BlizzCon 2014.

Notable Decks

BlizzCon 2014: NA Qualifiers

The Blizzard NA Qualifier took place at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City on October 5th and 6th. Four players from the group of 16 moved on to represent the Americas in the Hearthstone World Championship.

World Cyber Arena (WCA) 2014

The World Cyber Arena Hearthstone Tournament boasted the largest tournament prize pool at $190,000 USD, which will only be eclipsed by the upcoming BlizzCon World Championships at a whopping $250,000 USD. The tournament featured 33 players from all over the world competing against each other for a $97,500 USD first place prize.

Notable Decks

Alie’s Lone Ancient Mage Deck

Not really sure what was being accomplished by running a solo Ancient Mage in a Freeze Mage.

KowFox’s Infamous Drainlock

The deck features 2 Drain Life, 2 Shadow Bolt, 1 Deathlord, and 1 Twisting Nether.

LiBo’s Warlock Zoo

The deck that swept the finals!

Gaara’s Control Paladin

Gaara likes to have a lot of options, and this deck features a ton of them! The more notable of them are: 1 Mind Control Tech and 1 monstrous Deathwing!