ESGN – Fight Night (Season 6) – Round 9: Kitkatz vs. Forsen Decks and Results

Team Clarity Gaming is trying to get a round to fall in their favor, but Forsen of ManaGrind is looking to take another step towards the sweep! We’ll see if Forsen can take out Clarity Gaming’s self-proclaimed best player in Kitkatz.

Kitkatz Decks

Forsen Decks

View the matches here: YouTube


Get the results! 

Game 1

Kitkatz – Control Warrior vs. Forsen – Face Hunter

Forsen is aggressive early, but Kitkatz is applying pressure with a buffed Frothing Berserker. A crucial turn for Kitkatz where he’s staring down a trap and a Huffer, he decides to attack the face and he loses the coin flip and eats 6 to the face. Kitkatz is able to recover with a Shield Block and a Hero Power. Forsen has him at 13, but he’s one short of lethal. Kitkatz drops the Ragnaros the Firelord and it finishes off Forsen.

Result: Kitkatz Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Kitkatz – Control Warrior vs. Forsen – Aggro Zoo

Kitkatz seems to make a bit of a misplay by not having the amount of mana he thought he did which costs him a Frothing Berserker. Forsen gets him down to 16, and he gets a well placed dagger from Knife Juggler that puts Kitkatz into some trouble. Fiery War Axe and an Execute help him clear the board, but he’s not out of the woods yet. Alexstrasza gets him back up to 15, but Forsen is able to draw a Leeroy Jenkins off a Life Tap which gives him enough for lethal!

Result: Forsen Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

Kitkatz – Aggro Zoo vs. Forsen – Aggro Zoo

Kitkatz gambles for damage early and has heavy board control. A lot of trades and grappling for board control is going on with Kitkatz still maintaining control. Forsen is able to turn it back around with a Dark Iron Dwarf and a Soulfire. Forsen is in control of the board and they’re both at 14 health. A big Argent Commander draw for Forsen that gets a valuable minion off the board of his opponent. Kitkatz Life Taps into a much needed Soulfire, which eats the Argent Commander. Both are down to 7 health on Kitkatz’s turn, he draws a Mortal Coil which gets a Leper Gnome off the board and he draws the Doomguard to finish off Forsen!

Result: Kitkatz Wins (2 – 1)

Game 4

Kitkatz – Aggro Zoo vs. Forsen – Ramp Giant Druid

Kitkatz gets a Voidwalker on the board which completely stymies Forsen who is without Wrath or Swipe. He draws into Swipe, but plays a taunted Druid of the Claw. Kitkatz removes it with a buffed minion and a Mortal Coil, which finds Forsen at 15 health. A Swipe helps get a few minions off the board, but he isn’t able to clear. Doomguard out for Kitkatz and the pressure is on Forsen. Ancient of War is Forsen’s last hope, and Kitkatz can’t easily deal with it. He’s able to clear the Ancient of War with the help of a Defender of Argus. Forsen is at 5 health, but he copies the taunted Doomguard and uses his Healing Touch on it. Kitkatz is able to finally clear the Doomguard, but he can’t finish off the Druid. Forsen draws a Molten Giant and taunts it with Mark of the Wild! Kitkatz is able to stay in the game with a Defender of Argus, but he can’t draw himself out of this board state. Kitkatz concedes, what a comeback by Forsen!

Result: Forsen Wins (2 – 2)

Game 5

Kitkatz – Midrange Druid vs. Forsen – Ramp Giant Druid

Some early Wild Growth being thrown around on both sides. Kitkatz gets a Chillwind Yeti on the board, and Forsen’s answer is to Wrath it for 3 and leave it alive for next turn. Kitkatz plays around a Swipe, by taunting up a Druid of the Claw. Forsen takes out the Yeti with a Keeper of the Grove. Kitkatz gets a Cairne Bloodhoof on the board, and Forsen throws out a Coin into Ragnaros the Firelord. Unfrotunately for Forsen, it hits Cairne which leaves Kitkatz with the option of taking it out. Kitkatz decides to take the Ragnaros out which is lucky because Forsen has a Faceless Manipulator in hand. Ysera is out for Forsen, and Kitkatz is close to lethal and he goes for face. Forsen gets a Molten Giant on the board, uses Mark of the Wild on his Ysera and copies the Ysera with Faceless Manipulator! He uses his second Mark of the Wild on the Molten Giant, but that quickly gets taken out with a Big Game Hunter. Forsen draws another Molten Giant and copies his Ysera again with another Faceless! Kitkatz can’t deal with the board and concedes!

Result: Forsen Wins (3 – 2)

ManaGrind is up 4 – 0 and looking for the sweep in the Ace match!

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