ESGN – Fight Night (Season 6) – Round 2: Chakki vs. DuckWingFACE Decks and Results

ESGN’s Fight Night series continues with Round 2, DuckWingFace vs. Chakki. Check out their decks and results below!

Chakki (Team Clarity Gaming)

DuckWingFACE (Team ManaGrind)

Get the Results! 

Game 1

DuckWingFACEDuckWingFACED (Control Priest)  vs. ChakkiFreeTEMPO (Tempo Rogue)

DuckWing gets behind early, but comes back with an Aucheni Soulpriest into Circle of Healing play to wipe the board. Right as DuckWing sets up a dominant board Chakki takes it back with a crushing Weapon, Deadly Poison, into Blade Flurry combination. DuckWing draws a Northshire Cleric a turn too late and can’t get back into the game and loses to board + Leeroy Jenkins.

Result: Chakki Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

DuckWingFACEYawn (Control Druid)  vs. Chakki – FreeTEMPO (Tempo Rogue)

DuckWing gets the beastly Innervate into Chillwind Yeti on turn 2, but Chakki easily deals with it with Backstab, Weapon, into a comboed SI:7 Agent. Turn 3 for DuckWing, however, leads into an Innervated Cairne Bloodhoof that Chakki cannot immediately deal with. Cairne eats up Chakki’s cards and ends up dealing 8 damage to his face. He gets heavily behind on card advantage, but is able to keep control over the board and gets back into the game with a Sprint. DuckWing draws a timely Cenarius which Chakki has to remove with Leeroy Jenkins. The Whelps end up finishing Chakki after they get buffed by Savage Roar.

Result: DuckWingFACE Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

DuckWingFACE – Yawn (Control Druid)  vs. Chakki – Hunter (Face Hunter)

DuckWing drops a quick Sunfury Protector that Artosis and Kripp immediately disagree with, because of the potential wasting of a taunt against Hunter. Chakki gets back to back Misha’s off of Animal Companion and starts going for the face. DuckWing is able to clear the Misha’s and stabilize at 25 health due to two Earthen Ring Farseers. Chakki keeps chipping away at the Druid with a combination of Eaglehorn Bow, Secrets, and Hero Power. He pulls a double Arcane Golem on turn 8 that puts DuckWing at 4. DuckWing seems to have no options and decides to concede.

Result: Chakki Wins (2 – 1)

Game 4

DuckWingFACE – Size Don’t Matter (Aggro Warlock)  vs. Chakki – Hunter (Face Hunter)

Chakki pulls the Unleash the Hounds, Starving Buzzard combo in his opening hand. DuckWing gets out a dominant board led by Chillwind Yeti, unfortunately that plays right into Chakki’s Starving Buzzard into Unleash play. Chakki fills his hand and takes back control of the board. DuckWing seemingly on the tilt misses a damage when he Shadowflames his Argent Squire. Chakki gets an easy finish with a hand full of dominance by finishing him with Leper Gnome, Eaglehorn Bow, and Hero Power.

Result: Chakki Wins (3 – 1)

Team Clarity Gaming goes up in the series 2 – 0!

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