DreamHack Viagame Hearthstone Championship 2014: Information, Results, and Decks

The BYOC Qualifier tournament has already begun and we’re just about to see some selected matches from the already seeded groups. Check out the information below to find out where to watch and get early results from the tournament!

Live Stream Courtesy of Viagame: Hearthstone DreamHack Summer Tournament

Get the Bracket from the BYOC Qualifier: BinaryBeast

Watch Dandido Climb the BYOC Qualifier: Twitch

Watch LegendaryLea run Arena’s from the Dreamhack Floor: Twitch

Live Seeded Matches (Watch Live) (Best of 3)

Production off to a shaky start with some mixed up player portraits and names. One of the weird stipulations of this tournament is that it’s played on iPads. Ek0p appears to have never used a tablet in his life, and seems very uncomfortable with it. I’ll be curious if using the iPad might lead to a misplay or two during the tournament.

Group A: ek0p vs. Savjz

Game 1

ek0p (Token Druid) vs. Savjz (Miracle Rogue)

A lot of quick trades back and forth, but not a lot of action. Savjz is chipped away to 20, while ek0p has a full hand and remains at 30 health. Savjz starting to go off with with Gadgetzan Auctioneer, and a Cold Blood and various spells takes ek0p down to 17. The buffed Auctioneer eats a bullet from Big Game Hunter and ek0p clears the board. Savjz needs to draw Leeroy to take this victory, but is unable to pull it from the deck. Ek0p deals 22 damage to Savjz with a Force of Nature double Savage Roar with an Innervate and Coin.

Result: Ek0p Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

ek0p (Token Druid) vs. Savjz (Midrange Shaman)

Some Argent Squire trade off early, and the Druid wins the battle with the hero power advantage. Savjz gets the advantage on the board by clearing a Harvest Golem with Earth Shock, and Ek0p answers with an Ancient of Lore. A timely Healing Totem forces ek0p to have to use a Keeper of the Grove to take out a Spirit Wolf. Savjz takes the board by developing a Doomhammer and clearing ek0p’s Keeper and Azure Drake. A big play by ek0p with the Violet Teacher, Force of Nature, and a Power of the Wild to buff his board leaving him with a buffed Teacher and three buffed students and a clear board on the other side. ek0p pushes for lethal by filling up the board again and using another Power of the Wild. Savjz forced to play Al’akir and goes for the damage race, but ek0p had the Force of Nature to finish off Savjz.

Result: Ek0p Wins (2 – 0) and takes the Match

Group A: Reynad vs. Danielctin14

This matchup is taking place off stream.

Game 1

Reynad (Ramp Druid) vs. Danielctin14 (Freeze Mage)

Result: Reynad Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Reynad (Ramp Druid) vs. Danielctin14 (Miracle Rogue)

Result: Danielctin14 Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

Reynad (Miracle Rogue) vs. Danielctin14 (Miracle Rogue)

Result: Danielctin14 Wins (2 – 1) and takes the Match

Group B: Darkwonyx vs. Rdu

Game 1

Darkwonyx (Control Druid) vs. Rdu (Freeze Mage)

Some early board trades, and Darkwonyx starts to pull the advantage with an Azure Drake and Harrison Jones on board against a Mirror Image. Rdu trying to draw out more minions before he goes for the Doomsayer into Frost Nova play, but Darkwonyx seems to read it and uses Mark of the Wild. Rdu freezes the board and throws out the Doomsayer. Darkwonyx draws a Swipe and is able to silence his frozen Harrison and Swipes to the face to finish off Rdu! What a crazy play!

Result: Darkwonyx Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Darkwonyx (Control Druid) vs. Rdu (Miracle Rogue)

Rdu fights to keep the board and put some pressure on Darkwonyx and has a couple of 3/3’s on the board. Rdu develops the Assassin’s Blade even in the face of potentially losing it to Harrison Jones. Luckily for Rdu, Darkwonyx doesn’t have it and is looking for more card draw. Darkwonyx draws the Harrison off of the Azure Drake, but Rdu wisely gets rid of his Blade with an attack to the face and a Blade Flurry. Rdu has to keep using his spells to take out minions, and isn’t able to get out his Auctioneer. He finally gets it out, but is only to get a few draws off of it, and out comes Ragnaros for Darkwonyx. The Rag misses the auctioneer and Rdu is able to go off drawing a bunch of cards and sapping the Ragnaros. Rdu gets a 14/14 Edwin VanCleef on the board, and Darkwonyx can’t really deal with it. Darkwonyx gets two taunted Ancient of War on the board, but Rdu is able to draw himself the ability to take them out and finishes Darkwonyx off with Leeroy Jenkins!

Result: Rdu Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

Darkwonyx (Shaman) vs. Rdu (Miracle Rogue)

Rdu controlling the board, and has a lot of good answers in his hand. Turn 6 comes around and Rdu draws a ton of cards off of it. He pulls a conceal and hides the Auctioneer and an Earthen Ring Farseer. Darkwonyx is in a tough position, and makes a bit of a misplay by not using his totem first which would have allowed him to Lightning Storm and potentially take out the Auctioneer. Darkwonyx has a lot of cards in his hand, but nothing is looking super helpful to him at the moment. Darkwonyx has no taunts and Rdu is able to draw the Leeroy and Shadowsteps his way to the win.

Result: Rdu Wins (2 – 1) and takes the Match

Group B: Realz vs. TidesofTime

This match is off stream.

Result: Realz Wins (2 – 0)!

Group A (Loser Bracket): Savjz vs. Reynad

Loser goes home!

Game 1

Savjz (Token Druid) vs. Reynad (Ramp Druid)

Savjz leads us off with a turn 2 Innervate into Violet Teacher. Reynad loses his Druid of the Claw, and while Savjz has the board with a Harvest Golem he has huge card Advantage. Savjz gets a taunted Druid of the Claw on the board and starts to do some damage with the Golem. Reynad is an awkward spot and is forced to play his own Druid of the Claw in taunt mode and puts the game in a bit of a stalemate. Ancient of Lore gets Savjz back in the card draw game, but Reynad is able to clear the board with a Swipe. Out comes Ancient of War for Reynad, and Savjz is in a tough spot unable to do anything against it. Reynad in control, and Savjz is forced to use his Force of Nature into Savage Roar combo just to clear the board. Savjz without great options against a board with Sen’jin and Chillwind Yeti is going to yolo it and throw down the Ragnaros. The Rag takes out the Yeti, and Reynad can’t hide the salt in his reaction. He can’t deal with the Rag and tries to throw out some resilient creatures against it in a Harvest Golem and a Sunwalker. Ragnaros is still on the board and goes at the face twice, leaving Reynad at 4, with a large board. Reynad takes way too much time and misses an attack that could cost him the game at this point. Savjz takes the 1 and 3 gamble and Rag takes out an Earthen Ring Farseer giving Reynad an opening. Reynad uses his Sylvanas to take out the Rag and steals himself a Violet Teacher and heals himself with Ancient of Lore. Savjz tries to set up a potential lethal, but Reynad puts up a taunt wall that Savjz can’t get through and is forced to concede.

Result: Reynad Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Savjz (Miracle Rogue) vs. Reynad (Ramp Druid)

Reynad gets out a Sen’jin, but it gets dealt with by a Backstab, Si:7, and a hero power. A Yeti out for Reynad, and Savjz spends more cards to deal with it. Another Yeti for Reynad that again gets dealt with by Savjz. Coldlight Oracle out for Savjz which draws them both two cards, which helps Reynad who was down on cards. A Cairne out for Reynad, but Savjz gets the Gadgetzan out and the Sap sends the Cairne back. Savjz gets a ton of draw and value out of the Auctioneer and keeps it on board by drawing into a Conceal. Sylvanas out for Reynad, but that also gets the Sap treatment. Reynad looks depressed, and hopes a taunted Ancient of War will stall Savjz. Savjz has the answers for the Ancient of War, and Reynad concedes.

Result: Savjz Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

Savjz (Miracle Rogue) vs. Reynad (Midrange Hunter)

Reynad sees his hand and a couple early draws and doesn’t seem pleased. A River Croc comes out and gets dealt with by Si:7 Agent. Reynad brings out the Eaglehorn Bow that takes out the Si:7 and gets out an Oasis Snapjaw. Savjz out with the Auctioneer and gets a couple draws and hides it with Conceal. Reynad gets another Snapjaw out and a Freezing Trap. Savjz removes a turtle, but he runs into the trap with his Auctioneer. Reynad rolls a Misha with his Animal Companion, and goes all in for damage with his Stranglethorne Tiger and Unleash the Hounds. Savjz doesn’t have a great answer, and is down to 11 health. Oh no, Savjz tries to return his Earthen Ring Farseer to his hand and cast it but time runs out and he can’t cast it! That move costs him the game as Reynad has the damage in hand to finish him!

Result: Reynad Wins (2 – 1) and Eliminates Savjz!

Group B (Loser Bracket): Tidesoftime vs. Darkwonyx

Match is off stream.

Group A (Winners Bracket): Danielctin14 vs. Ek0p

Game 1

Danielctin14 (Face Hunter) vs. Ek0p (Token Druid)

Daniel out early with some damage from a Wolfrider and a Leper Gnome. Ek0p takes them out with a Wrath and his Loot Hoarder, but doesn’t develop any board. Weapon out for Hunter and Ek0p responds with a Violet Teacher. The Freezing Trap returns the Violet Teacher to hand, and Daniel continues to go face with another Wolfrider and the Weapon into Hero Power. Ek0p is at 15, and develops a Violet Teacher and clears the Wolfrider. Daniel still trying to push damage with an Arcane Golem, but ek0p answers with a heal from an Ancient of Lore. Daniel gets a three card draw from Starving Buzzard into an Unleash the Hounds. He takes out one of the Ancients and leaves ek0p at 14. Ek0p uses a Swipe to clear off Daniel’s board and brings him down to 9 health. Daniel clears the board with a Deadly Shot and a Kill Command that leaves ek0p at 11. Ek0p answers back by taunting up a Druid of the Claw. Ek0p is able to keep himself in the game, and he uses Power of the Wild to keep his minions out of Explosive Trap range and gets the win!

Result: ek0p Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Danielctin14 (Miracle Rogue) vs. Ek0p (Token Druid)

Daniel starts with a weak hand, and gets wittled down to 18 before he’s able to start drawing off of an Auctioneer. Ek0p is at 27 and has a full hand of cards that still includes the coin. He uses an Azure Drake and a Wrath to take out the Auctioneer which is going to stall Daniel. The pressure starts to get put on to ek0p, but he’s able to clear most of the board. Daniel has the Leeroy and double Shadowstep in his hand, but has to whittle down ek0p’s health a bit more. Ancient of Lore heals up ek0p up to 28, and puts him out of range once again. Daniel has the win the next turn, but ek0p draws the second Savage Roar and finishes off the Miracle Rogue!

Result: ek0p Wins (2 – 0) and moves on to the Top 8 on Monday!

Group A (Loser Bracket): Reynad vs. Danielctin14

Game 1

Reynad (Midrange Hunter) vs. Danielctin14 (Freeze Mage)

Daniel gets the Ice Block out quick, but Reynad does a good job checking for it. Reynad’s sitting on a Flare that could have huge impact in the late game. Reynad has a River Croc and a boar, and he’s able to use his weapon and the boar to take out an Azure Drake. Daniel sets up a Vaporize, and freezes the board with a Frost Nova. Next turn and Daniel freezes the board against with a Blizzard. Reynad develops a bigger board and again it eats a Blizzard. A second Savannah Highmane hits the board, and Daniel is potentially on his back foot if he doesn’t make something happen. Daniel is forced to Alexstrasza, but Reynad blows him out with a Flare taking out two secrets and finishing him off with the Highmanes.

Result: Reynad Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Reynad (Midrange Hunter) vs. Danielctin14 (Miracle Rogue)

An early VanCleef out for Daniel that forces Reynad to respond with a Buzzard, Boar, Hunter’s Mark play. Reynad has a weak hand and throws out a couple of Scavenging Hyenas and passes turn. Daniel clears the Hyenas, and Reynad follows it up with dual River Crocolisks. Daniel throws out an uncomboed Si:7 agent, which gets taken out by a Houndmastered Croc. Daniel able to clear everything but a single River Croc, and Reynad is able to get some damage off, but can’t do much on his turn. Some awkward turns back and forth, and the Miracle Rogue is at 12, but Reynad can’t finish him off. Reynad clears the board, and is left with a Buzzard and the everlasting River Croc. Daniel still not drawing what he needs, and makes a desperate Fan of Knives play and throws out a Gadget without draws. Reynad can’t finish him, and Daniel is able to Shadowstep a Earthen Ring Farseer which heals him up to 15. Reynad is ONE damage off of lethal, and it’s up to Daniel to finish him off this turn. He draws the Leeroy, but he’s used up his Shadowsteps. Reynad has a trap up, but Daniel doesn’t know what it is yet. Daniel doesn’t have the damage, and Reynad is going to take this and move on!

Result: Reynad Wins (2 – 0) and Moves on to the Top 8 on Monday!

Group B (Loser Bracket): TidesofTime vs. Darkwonyx

Loser goes home!

Game 1

TidesofTime (Miracle Rogue) vs. Darkwonyx (Miracle Rogue)

Darkwonyx gets an early 8/8 VanCleef and Tides can’t deal with it. Tides is quickly at 15 health, and still can’t deal with the VanCleef. Tides forced to run a Leeroy into the VanCleef and leaves Darkwonyx with a couple Welps and a Bloodmage Thalnos. A Cold Blood gets put on a Whelp, and Tides is down to 8 and Darkwonyx finishes off Tides with an Eviscerate.

Result: Darkwonyx Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

TidesofTime (Midrange Shaman) vs. Darkwonyx (Miracle Rogue)

Some early trades, and Darkwonyx hasn’t drawn his Auctioneer and finds himself at 14 health due to eating damage from Doomhammer. Darkwonyx draws the Auctioneer and uses it to get out a 10/10 VanCleef. Unfortunately for Darkwonyx, Tides has the Al’akir and combines it with his Doomhammer to finish off the Miracle Rogue.

Result: TidesofTime Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

TidesofTime (Midrange Shaman) vs. Darkwonyx (Control Druid)

Tides takes the board early with a lot of totem play early. A taunted Druid of the Claw comes out and Tides uses his totems and a Flametongue to take it out. Tides can’t seem to get damage against Darkwonyx’s strong boards, and a Ysera Awakens into two Swipes finishes off Tides.

Result: Darkwonyx Wins (2 – 1)

Realz Moves on to the Top 8!

In two off-stream matchups, Realz takes out Tidesoftime and Rdu to move on!

Group B (Loser Bracket): Rdu vs. Darkwonyx

Rematch and loser goes home!

Game 1

Rdu (Freeze Mage) vs. Darkwonyx (Control Druid)

Result: Rdu Wins (1 – 0)

Game 2

Rdu (Freeze Mage) vs. Darkwonyx (Midrange Shaman)

Result: Darkwonyx Wins (1 – 1)

Game 3

Rdu (Miracle Rogue) vs. Darkwonyx (Midrange Shaman)

Result: Rdu Wins (2 – 1) and Moves on to the Top 8 on Monday!

BYOC Results Summary

1:49pm PST

Kitkatz moves on and along with Lothar will wait for tomorrows semi-final losers from the Winners Bracket.

Remaining in Winners Bracket: Dandido, Kaldi, Frezzar, and Nabutte.

Remaining in Losers Bracket: Kitkatz, Lothar

1:24pm PST

Lothar moves on and eliminates Eroth from the Losers Bracket!

12:52pm PST

Forsen came on so strong, but has been eliminated from the Losers Bracket in Round 8. Kitkatz is still trucking forward in the Losers Bracket and advances to Round 9 against Xixo.

Remaining in Winners Bracket: Dandido, Kaldi, Frezzar, and Nabutte.

Remaining in Losers Bracket: Kitkatz, Xixo, Lothar, and Eroth.

11:06am PST

Dandido and his sunglasses move on to the Quarter-Finals by taking out Kitkatz Slayer, Airbrushed.

10:47am PST

Dandido and Airbrushed are finally having their match, you can view it here.

9:45am PST

Kitkatz is moving up in the Losers Bracket and will be taking on Stafu to head into round 7. The Winners Bracket seems to be a bit stalled due to some internet connectivity issues.

9:22am PST

Dandido and Airbrushed is delayed due to connection issues. The first game was interrupted by a disconnection and the admins determined that a replay would happen instead of Dandido having the option to take the win.

8:57am PST

And just as quickly as you can dominate you can also stumble. Forsen has dropped his match to Nabutte 1 – 2 and will now have his chance in the Losers Bracket. Ostkaka’s roll has also ended losing to Lothar 2 – 0. Dandido is currently taking on Airbrushed, you can watch it here. You can also watch the seeded matches which are just about to start here.

8:25am PST

Forsen of team ManaGrind has been on a warpath 2-0ing all of his opponents thus far. Ostkaka recent holder of the number one spot in the EU ladder is steadily climbing his way through the tournament. Dandido is also rolling (while streaming) through and will be taking on the Kitkatz Slayer, Airbrushed.

Heavy favorite Kitkatz was bounced in the RO32 by unknown player Airbrushed. Kitkatz still has a chance to advance in the Losers Bracket. DuckWingFACE didn’t get off to much of a start and was taken out of both brackets quite early. Another known player Dart also had an early exit.

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