Dreamhack Bucharest Nescafe Hearthstone Invitational Results

Dreamhack Bucharest brought together some of the top and most popular players in Hearthstone. Early on some big names went out, surprise knock-offs were recent Hearth2P EU Qualifier Winner Savjz going out against Vinceroz. Former Savjz teammate Gnimsh followed suit by losing to Rdu. Popular streamer Reynad looked strong early, and had one of the more memorable plays of the tournament by Kill Commanding his own Savannah Highmane to win him a game that would have been lost. However, Reynad would soon get bounced by relatively unknown player Buksna.

Amaz had a very strong showing and top decked his way passed ekOp to reach the top 4. His luck would run out when he ran into eventual winner Gaara and his nearly unstoppable Ramp Druid variation. Gaara is just starting to make a name for himself in the competitive scene and is currently a member of Reynad’s newly formed team: Tempo Storm.

You can see a lot of the matches played at Lethal Damage Gaming’s YouTube Channel.

  1. Gaara – (Ramp Druid Deck)
  2. Danielctin14 – (Midrange Shaman Deck)
  3. Tied: Amaz and Rdu

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