Twisted Tether

Twisted Tether Card

Twisted Tether is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Warlock Spell card from the March of the Lich King set!

Card Text

Destroy a minion. Give its stats to a random Undead in your hand.

Flavor Text

First, convince your opponent that you just want to play tetherball. Then, you GET 'EM!

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One Comment

  1. Benoitballs
    November 26, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    this gonna be pretty nuts for the rest of rotation with Tamsin copying it for free. it’s 1 more mana than Righteous Defense, but it’s still very strong considering single target removal in warlock is largely damage based or expensive meaning it falls short against single large minions.

    could make insatiable devourer a really risky play against warlock if you don’t have an answer to this. i think this sees play for the short term. after tamsin rotates, unsure how much play this will see.