Scourge Troll

Scourge Troll Card

Scourge Troll is a 1 Mana Cost Epic Shaman Minion Undead card from the March of the Lich King set!

Card Text

Deathrattles given to this minion trigger twice.

Flavor Text

This is where I'd put my Deathrattle - IF I HAD ONE!

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  1. Cursore1610
    November 15, 2022 at 1:06 am

    There is a 2 mana 2/2 undead which gives a minion Deathrattle: summon a 2/2 zombie with Rush (I assume the zombie to be an undead as well) which makes me hopeful about this card: it might just so happen to be a very powerful curve which kind of snowballs in a way because if the enemy decides to not kill this minion to gain on tempo they only give you more time to buff it up. However, it also has the glaring issue of being very weak on tempo without the cards to support it, and currently I don’t see enough Deathrattle providers to make this a very powerful 1-drop; but, the fact that it is a 1 drop makes it all the more likely to be played, since an aggro undead deck would need many 1 drops and this might as well be one of them. I am very torn when it comes to this card, but all in all I think it might just work in the deck it’s supposed to. But how stronge will Undead Shaman be? Too early to judge, but I haven’t see anything powerful enough to make me go “Ok, this is why you should play Undead Shaman instead of Murloc or Elemental Shaman”, so I’m not very hopeful.