Runaway Blackwing

Runaway Blackwing Card

Runaway Blackwing is a 9 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion Dragon card from the Darkmoon Races set!

Card Text

At the end of your turn, deal 9 damage to a random enemy minion.

Flavor Text

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  1. Sidus
    January 19, 2021 at 5:11 pm

    1 more mana for a slightly smarter Rag depending on the situation. Dragon tag can sometimes matter, but I am pretty sure this card is staying in Arena more than Constructed regardless. You REALLY don’t want to hit something smaller than a 4/5 or something with this.

    • Sidus
      January 19, 2021 at 5:12 pm

      This is by far the best Revolve from Mogu Fleshshaper btw.

  2. Surgeus
    January 19, 2021 at 5:09 pm

    Ragnaros MK2. Inability to go face makes it much less of a threat.

  3. EksSkellybur
    January 19, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Twin Tyrant was nice, but however a Twin Tyrant but instead, fused as one. This Minion is Escpially powerful for when you are playing a N’zoth Deck. Whenever you play Runaway Blackwing, and N’zoth, you effectively killed off 2 of the enemy minions. It’s not as completely useless as you imagine, since it is big enough of a threatening minion. If anything, it’s first killing a minion, to which the Enemy has to use a Big Minion and a small minion just to kill off Black wing, or a Big Minion and a spell. As worst-case Scenario, it’s a 9 Mana, “Destroy a Random enemy minion, then it dies. Your opponent loses 4 mana next turn.

    Don’t underestimate this card. the 9 Mana 9/9 is filler, yes, but that Passive is beyond deadly, so long as it stays alive. Which I think it would.

    4 Stars.

  4. Noelle
    January 19, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    What every big deck loves to see.