Elitist Snob

Elitist Snob Card

Elitist Snob is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Paladin Minion card from the Murder at Castle Nathria set!

Card Text

Battlecry: For each Paladin card in your hand, randomly gain Divine ShieldLifestealRush, or Taunt.

Flavor Text

"I heard the Sire invited a Murloc! How dreadful!"

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  1. Cursore1610
    July 20, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    Ziliax but for the Pure paladin archetype or at least a class cards heavy deck. Ziliax was one of the best cards ever made, but it did also have magnetic, although Elitist Snob makes up for it with the +2 health. So, is it good as Ziliax was? I don’t think so: the issue here is that it relies on a pretty harsh deck restriction AND, most importantly, on you having enough cards in hand to activate all its effects. Now, I’m gonna assume that if you have 4 paladin cards in hand you are always going to get all 4 effects, because if that’s not the case and you might get one effect more than once even before getting all the others this card starts to fall short pretty quickly. However, even if that’s the case, I can see this card being played for midgame tempo and board control by a Holy Pure paladin deck: it has all the potential to be the lifegain and board control card that midrange deck needed to really start being a thing. I guess we’ll see how this goes when we start to mess around with it.

  2. Benoitballs
    July 19, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    This is probably the best card in the set. Stick it in existing Handbuff/Control Paladin. Profit.

    It is Zilliax, but better in every single way: better health, can run multiple, costs less mana, exists in a meta where Lightforged Cariel/Garden’s Grace exist. Yes, Zilliax had Magnetic, but that’s worse.

    Paladin didn’t exactly have problems against aggro before, but they have no excuses to lose to it now that they have such a strong card.

    5/5. Not overthinking this one.

    • Benoitballs
      July 19, 2022 at 5:06 pm

      Just adding on: for those who are newer–

      Zilliax (as has been mentioned above & below) was probably the single best card of its rotation. Neutral legendary, 5 mana 3/2 Rush, Divine Shield, Taunt, Lifesteal; had Magnetic, which meant you could add its stats & effect onto another Mech on board to make it bigger.

      Zilliax decimated aggro decks, and often you never even needed to magnet it onto anything to do that. Simply killing a minion, healing 3, and forcing your opponent to sacrifice another minion to kill it was enough of a board swing.

      I’m glad this is only in one class, but I’m not glad that the class that gets it is already so favored against aggressive decks. This will make Paladin good really against many decks, but particularly against aggro.

  3. CASA
    July 1, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hello Zilliax.

    Paladin runs many class cards. So all effects or 3 of 4 effects will be triggered for sure.

    In every deck from control to tempo an awesome option.

    They already nerfed it from 4/4 to 3/4 and this is still a 5/5 card 😀

  4. Nightfall
    July 1, 2022 at 2:38 pm

    Oh that’s just easy, paladin cards are so good that I often tend to run hardly any neutral cards in paladin decks anyways


  5. BethLynn
    July 1, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    As a huge fan of Pure Paladin back in the day, loving this card. Definitely very strong, easy 5/5, would not be surprised to see this be nerfed early on (though I suppose it can’t get much earlier than being nerfed right after it’s revealed). It does make me curious whether we’ll see more of a Pure-ish Paladin package through the rest of the set however, as it would be a naturally reinforcing cycle if we do.

  6. Sidus
    July 1, 2022 at 11:55 am

    5 stars probably one of the best cards in the set. It is a strictly better statted Zilliax more often than not. Decks are already comprised of like 24 class cards or more so having a hand of 5 or 6 cards in general isn’t asking a whole lot and you are probably happy enough hitting just 3 buffs assuming Divine Shield isn’t the one that is left out.