Caria Felsoul

Caria Felsoul Card

Caria Felsoul is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Demon Hunter Minion card from the Fractured in Alterac Valley set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Transform into a 7/7 copy of a Demon in your deck.

Flavor Text

This is what happens when you keep taking the advice of the little demon on your shoulder.

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  1. EksSkellybur
    November 30, 2021 at 12:51 PM

    This card is just asking for you to be more nitpicky, and while yes it can work, I feel that it’s going to take a lot of experimentation before Caria Felsoul can truly get going. Maybe even waiting for the Mini-Set for her Potential.

    3 Stars.

  2. D930065
    November 28, 2021 at 4:42 AM

    Don’t underestimate this one.
    It’s the new Spiteful Summoner which doesn’t sacrifice build that much.
    Turn 6 6/6+7/9 stats is nuts.

  3. TOGX
    November 25, 2021 at 5:03 AM

    Wow what a unique card! *Shadow essence noises* *Muckmorpher noises* Well this is still a buff to big demon hunter. It helps that this isn’t a demon so it doesn’t get pulled by pit commander. But I don’t think this singular card will make big demon hunter playable.

  4. H0lysatan
    November 18, 2021 at 8:58 PM

    two turn faster to summon either Inquisitor with rush and face damage (probably)
    or tormenter with taunt and mini loatheb.

    I think this one can see play. If they print more useful Demon, definitely see play.

  5. TallJake26
    November 18, 2021 at 9:07 AM

    Mehh. I mean a 6/6 Illidari Inquisitor or Taintheart Tormenter or Void Hound isn’t bad, but like it’s not super great either. It’s only good when you high roll a Pit Commander.