Control Warrior is one of the classic archetypes in Hearthstone. Once upon a time, it was known as “Wallet Warrior” because of how expensive it was (sometimes even over 10k Dust, which is actually not that much these days). The deck’s general game plan is to remove everything opponent plays while gaining a lot of Armor through Hero Power and other cards, and then win the game by dropping some high value minions. More recently, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius has became an alternative (or rather the main) win condition, giving the deck basically everything in a single card (removal, Armor, value, tempo).

Control Warrior has dodged the nerf bat in last expansion, but it did not in Saviors of Uldum. Dr. Boom’s mana cost was upped to 9, and then (while not directly) the class also got hit by changes to the Discovery mechanic (class cards show less often, and discovering class cards was common in Control Warrior). The deck is still strong, but it’s no longer the powerhouse it used to be at the beginning of this expansion.

Check out an in-depth look at this deck type with mulligans and play strategy via our Control Warrior Deck Guide!

Latest Control Warrior Deck Lists

Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

XL Odyn Control Warrior – #1 Legend (Nohandsgamer) – Badlands Deepholm

Format: wolf - Season: season-119 - Player: NoHandsGamer
warrior 15,160 2 months ago 31

XL Control Odyn Warrior – #17 Legend (NoHandsGamer) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: NoHandsGamer
warrior 18,880 8 months ago 26

Odyn Control Warrior – #464 Legend (Stinzy) – Fall of Ulduar (TITANS)

Format: wolf - Season: season-114 - Player: Stinzy
warrior 12,960 7 months ago 20

Odyn Control Warrior – #1 Legend (mlYanming) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 10,680 8 months ago 19

XL Odyn Control Warrior – #5 Legend (Unknown) – Badlands Deepholm

Format: wolf - Season: season-119 - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 10,480 2 months ago 18

Odyn Control Warrior – #398 Legend (Azyrte) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: Control
warrior 10,560 9 months ago 16

XL Odyn Control Warrior – #1 Legend (Gaby) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: Gaby
warrior 20,440 8 months ago 15

XL Odyn Control Warrior – #6 Legend (INS4NE) – Badlands Deepholm

Format: wolf - Season: season-118 - Player: INS4NE
warrior 15,160 3 months ago 12

Odyn Control Warrior – #29 Legend (DenimBlue7) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 8,280 8 months ago 12

XL Odyn Control Warrior – #30 Legend (Theo) – TITANS

Format: wolf - Season: season-113 - Player: Theo
warrior 18,460 8 months ago 12
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