
By Class

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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Quest Warlock – Zayle, the Shadow Cloak EVIL Deck

Format: phoenix - Style: zayle - Archetype: Quest Warlock - Player: Stonekeep
warlock 9,360 4 years ago 7

Battlecry (Quest) Shaman – Zayle, the Shadow Cloak EVIL Deck

Format: phoenix - Style: zayle - Archetype: Quest Shaman - Player: Stonekeep
shaman 13,020 4 years ago 6

Silence Priest – Zayle, the Shadow Cloak EVIL Deck

Format: phoenix - Style: zayle - Archetype: Silence Priest - Player: Stonekeep
priest 5,560 4 years ago -1

Bomb Warrior – Zayle, the Shadow Cloak EVIL Deck

Format: phoenix - Style: zayle - Archetype: Bomb Warrior - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 9,520 4 years ago 15

Tempo Rogue – Zayle, the Shadow Cloak EVIL Deck

Format: phoenix - Style: zayle - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Stonekeep
rogue 10,360 4 years ago 9
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