
By Class

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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Aggro Shaman – Legend (SilverName) – Galakrond’s HoF

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-73 - Archetype: Aggro Shaman - Player: SilverName
shaman 6,520 4 years ago 5

Malygos Quest Druid – Saviors of Uldum – #13 Legend (SilverName)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-65 - Archetype: Malygos Druid - Player: SilverName
druid 10,900 5 years ago 34

Control Warrior – Rise of Shadows – #1 Legend (SilverName)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-62 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: SilverName
warrior 9,720 5 years ago 36

Cube Warlock – Rastakhan Post-Nerf – #1 Legend (SilverName)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-59 - Archetype: Cube Warlock - Player: SilverName
warlock 14,200 5 years ago 7

SilverName’s Malygos Druid – HCT EU Fall Playoffs 2018

Format: raven - Style: tournament - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Malygos Druid - Player: SilverName
druid 11,560 6 years ago 2

SilverName’s Deathrattle Hunter – HCT EU Fall Playoffs 2018

Format: raven - Style: tournament - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter - Player: SilverName
hunter 9,740 6 years ago 1

SilverName’s Quest Rogue – HCT EU Fall Playoffs 2018

Format: raven - Style: tournament - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: SilverName
rogue 8,280 6 years ago 0

SilverName’s Cube Warlock – HCT EU Fall Playoffs 2018

Format: raven - Style: tournament - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Cube Warlock - Player: SilverName
warlock 12,640 6 years ago 0

SilverName’s Witchwood Recruit Taunt Druid ft. Witching Hour, Witchwood Grizzly

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-49 - Archetype: Recruit Druid - Player: SilverName
druid 6,760 6 years ago 88

SilverName’s #1 Legend N’Zoth Demon Control Warlock (March 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-48 - Archetype: Control Demon Warlock - Player: SilverName
warlock 11,680 6 years ago 35

SilverName’s #1 Legend Post-Nerf Warlock Zoo (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Zoo Warlock - Player: SilverName
warlock 5,240 6 years ago 56

SilverName’s Post-Nerf #18 Legend OTK Exodia Paladin (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Exodia Paladin - Player: SilverName
paladin 13,620 6 years ago 32

SilverName’s Highlander Kazakus Priest – #8 Legend (September 2017, Season 42)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Highlander Priest - Player: SilverName
priest 12,940 7 years ago 12

SilverName’s Control Warrior (January 2017, Season 34)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-34 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: SilverName
warrior 10,260 7 years ago 13

SilverName’s Yogg Tempo Mage (November 2016, Season 32)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-32 - Archetype: Tempo Mage - Player: SilverName
mage 6,720 7 years ago 19
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