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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Neirea’s Season 18 Mid-Control Warrior

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-18 - Player: Neirea
warrior 11,800 9 years ago 67

Neirea’s KFT Simulacrum Exodia Mage

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-41 - Archetype: Exodia Mage - Player: Neirea
mage 7,800 7 years ago 23

Neirea’s Lackey Rogue – Masters Tour Las Vegas Top 8

Format: - Style: tournament - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Neirea
rogue 10,000 5 years ago 20

Neirea’s 63.4% Winrate (Rank 22 > Legend) Exodia Mage (November 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-44 - Archetype: Exodia Mage - Player: Neirea
mage 7,700 6 years ago 19

Neirea’s Season 20 Midrange Paladin

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-20 - Player: Neirea
paladin 7,340 8 years ago 16

Neirea’s Mad Catz BOTB 2 OTK Warrior

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-9 - Player: Neirea
warrior 1,840 9 years ago 11

Neirea’s Archon League W.1 Freeze Mage

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-16 - Player: Neirea
mage 9,000 9 years ago 10

Neirea’s Archon League W.2 Oil Rogue

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-16 - Player: Neirea
rogue 6,620 9 years ago 10

Neirea’s Rastakhan Exodia Quest Mage

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-57 - Archetype: Exodia Mage - Player: Neirea
mage 7,440 5 years ago 10

Neirea’s Season 14 (Malygos) Dragon Warlock

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-14 - Player: Neirea
warlock 5,460 9 years ago 10

Neirea’s Razakus Priest – #7 Legend (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Highlander Priest - Player: Neirea
priest 11,620 7 years ago 9

Neirea’s Season 13 Freeze Mage

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-13 - Player: Neirea
mage 9,000 9 years ago 7

Neirea’s Archon League W.2 Freeze Mage

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-16 - Player: Neirea
mage 9,000 9 years ago 6

Quest Warrior – Rastakhan Post-Nerf – #8 Legend (Neirea)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-58 - Archetype: Quest Warrior - Player: Neirea
warrior 8,300 5 years ago 6

Quest Warrior – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – Legend (Neirea)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-59 - Archetype: Quest Warrior - Player: Neirea
warrior 7,580 5 years ago 6

Neirea’s BlizzCon 2015 Qualifier Handlock Warlock

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-18 - Player: Neirea
warlock 11,340 9 years ago 5

Neirea’s Kinguin 3 Oil Rogue

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-12 - Player: Neirea
rogue 5,060 9 years ago 5

Neirea’s Control Demon Warlock – Hearthstone World Championship 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Control Demon Warlock - Player: Neirea
warlock 8,060 6 years ago 4

Neirea’s BlizzCon 2015 Qualifier Midrange Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-18 - Player: Neirea
druid 10,240 9 years ago 4

Neirea’s Archon League W.1 Oil Rogue

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-16 - Player: Neirea
rogue 5,120 9 years ago 3

Neirea’s Mad Catz BOTB 2 Combo Druid

Format: wild - Style: tournament - Season: season-9 - Player: Neirea
druid 11,360 9 years ago 2

Neirea’s Questing Miracle Rogue – HCT Winter Championships 2017

Format: kraken - Style: tournament - Season: season-36 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Neirea
rogue 6,840 7 years ago 2

Neirea’s Highlander Priest – Hearthstone World Championship 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Highlander Priest - Player: Neirea
priest 10,400 6 years ago 2

Neirea’s Burn Discover Mage – HCT EU Spring Playoffs 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Burn Mage - Player: Neirea
mage 8,260 7 years ago 2

Neirea’s Aggro Token Druid – Hearthstone World Championship 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Aggro Token Druid - Player: Neirea
druid 4,900 6 years ago 2
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