Midrange Quest Druid

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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The goal of this deck is to finish your quest as fast as possible. Try to use the most of your cycle after dropping Barnabus and outvalue your opponents.

Menagerie Warden is one of the keycards because you can copy for example your Stranglethorn Tiger to get your quest done fast. Cenarius can basicly be replaced with an other high cost minion but it is nice to absorb damage or just to buff your boart.

Tyrantus has synergie with with Tyrantus too so in many games i could basicly drop 2 Tyrantus + the Cenarius buff to create an incredible big board.

Kun will be used most of the time to create Armor. It’s an key card against taunt warrior or Freeze Mage.

Hope you guys have fun with my deck.

Greetings Lucky

-> probably not the best deck to climb the ladder but it is an funny alternative deck

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  1. Vijay
    May 1, 2017 at 2:18 pm

    Played two pirate warriors with my deck, got rekd. Definitely need to speed it up some.

  2. Vijay
    May 1, 2017 at 6:30 am


    • Vijay
      May 1, 2017 at 6:31 am

      Thank you for posting this deck. I want to see Quest Druid succeed.

      Here is my version of Quest Druid. You can definitely says it’s more of a Control deck. I used it to beat the final encounter in Normal Karazhan and stymied / won against a Quest Rogue with it. Limited sample I know.

      -1 Innervate this is dead top deck late game
      -1 Earthen Scales I originally ran this and Feral Rage. I removed them because I found minions more effective.
      +2 Enchanted Raven Great 1 drop from Karazhan. I tried Mistress of Mixtures but found it helped the opponent more than it helped me.
      +1 Tortollan Forager These are useful early game just to get a minion on board. Late game you have lots of mana which allows you to get two minions for one.
      +1 Coldlight Oracle On the suggestion of a rank 5 friend I added this for card draw late game. If you have Barnabus down you might be able to deploy three minions in one go.
      -2 Wrath It’s useful for card draw but I found minions more effective. My earliest decks had too many spells.
      + 1 Evolving Spores Nothing like three to four 5+ attack minions with wind fury to give your opponent cold sweats
      +1 Prince Malchezzar The prince is incredibly useful. He replaced one tiger after I got him. It takes two Quest Rogue minions to kill him. Additionally, drawing legendaries late game for free is huge value add. Many of them have 5+ attack.
      -2 Feral Rage Same reason as Earthen Scales
      -1 Cenarius Don’t have.
      -1 Nourish Again too many spells. May try this in future.
      +2 Volcanosour A 5/6 taunt wind fury minion forces two quest rogue minions to kill it. Incredibly versatile and a good 7-drop.
      -1 Tyrantus I wish I had him. Incredibly hard to kill.
      -2 Stranglehorn Tiger
      +1 Forbidden Ancient I like it’s flexibility to curve out whenever you need a minion. After turn five counts toward quest.
      +2 Ironbark Protector Still
      playing around with it. Good taunt late game.

      Mulligan: Try to get Enchanted Raven or less than 3 cost minions. If you suspect your opponent is aggro ditch the quest. Against slower decks keep the quest. I apologize for th duplicate / long post. It is definitely fun to play.

      • Luccky - Author
        May 2, 2017 at 10:53 am

        thank you for testing my deck.
        In my opinion the Tiger is a key card because youc an innervate tiger and next turn copy him or just dreamer. I will try the other variation the next days.
        Greetings Lucky

        • Vijay
          May 2, 2017 at 5:46 pm

          Thanks for posting it! I’m going to try your deck in casual. I agree having the tigers reduces the curve and allows you more flexibility. Will try it out.

  3. Wil
    April 28, 2017 at 11:06 am

    How successful have you been with Celestial Dreamer? I ran it for a while and often found it dead in my hand.

    • Charly
      April 29, 2017 at 8:30 am

      Same happened to me, those are the first 2 cards to swap for me. Then Cenarius is another choice to swap, comes out to late, mostly as a win more card.

      You could say the same about Tyrantus as a win more card, but in this dirty rat meta, once you see Tyrantus turn 2 into concede or the Menagerie combo. You understand that in this deck it has way more room.

  4. Charly
    April 27, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    Been trying this deck all night. It’s a good deck, has a hard time against fast decks. It basically is a control killer, pretty good against Priest or Mage. But Control Paladin owns it. I tried a lot of techs, last one that i didn’t try that much games was MC tech.

    I’ll keep playing tomorrow and give as much feedback as i can. I’m having fun playing this deck as it is my favorite class.

    • Luccky - Author
      May 2, 2017 at 10:55 am

      Thank you very much for your Feedback.