Echo Jade/Nzoth Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-38 - Style: ladder

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This is a nice variant of VIPER94’s Echo jade Shaman, switching some low value jade card (Jade Spirit & Jade Chieftain ) for N'Zoth, The Corruptor & his merry friends (Cairne Bloodhoof, Bloodmage Thalnos, Spiritsinger Umbra…) also made a few others changes like 1 more Lightning Storm and no Thing from Below (you can get them from Stonehill Defender).

I find it quite strong with the lot of heals (18 and more with Spirit Echo) the lots of board control & nice board flooding with jades/deathrattles.

Mulligan vs aggro : Jade Claws Maelstrom Portal Lightning Storm Stonehill Defender.

Mulligan vs control : Jade Claws Stonehill Defender Mana Tide Totem and whatever take your fancy.

Have fun with this good old control deck !

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  1. Dkingster
    June 9, 2017 at 10:32 am

    I have played this deck since Ungoro release and it really good. Incredible winrate against Aggro, Midrange and Control deck. Struggle with Quest deck and all Mage deck only. – Umbra -White eyes – 1 devolve + 2 Blood lust + 1 secret eater. I know it kinda weird when take out Umbra and White eyes (you can get it with Stonehill most of the time so dont worry) but you can beat most of control and aggro deck without it, since you only lost to quest and mage so blood lust would be really good in those situation. *USE IT EVEN YOU HAVE ONLY 3 MINIONS ON BOARD

  2. TheGoat0322
    June 6, 2017 at 3:25 pm

    I really like the list dude but how cone no halazeal? He seems like an amazing healing option especially since you are running double volcano

    • TheGoat0322
      June 6, 2017 at 3:28 pm

      I would sub the hot spring guardians and put in halazeal and mayby an earth elemental