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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Excavate Concoction Rogue – #9 Legend (Asmodai) – Showdown in the Badlands

Format: wolf - Style: ladder - Season: season-117 - Archetype: Concoction Rogue - Player: Asmodai
rogue 13,260 4 months ago 13

Secret (Miracle) Rogue – Asmodai – 12 Wins Heroic Brawliseum

Format: phoenix - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-78 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Asmodai
rogue 7,480 4 years ago -3

Bomb Warrior – #6 Legend (Asmodai) – Ashes of Outland

Format: phoenix - Style: ladder - Season: season-74 - Archetype: Bomb Warrior - Player: Asmodai
warrior 9,340 4 years ago 6

Galakrond Rogue – #1 Legend (Asmodai) – Galakrond’s Awakening

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-72 - Archetype: Galakrond Rogue - Player: Asmodai
rogue 14,460 4 years ago 15

Galakrond Warlock – #14 Legend (Asmodai) – Descent 2nd Nerf

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-70 - Archetype: Galakrond Warlock - Player: Asmodai
warlock 12,640 4 years ago 2

Highlander Mage – Saviors of Uldum – #22 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-65 - Archetype: Highlander Mage - Player: Asmodai
mage 22,600 5 years ago 9

Big Spell Mage – Saviors of Uldum – Asmodai

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-65 - Archetype: Big Spell Mage - Player: Asmodai
mage 12,000 5 years ago 6

Cyclone Mage – Rise of Shadows – #1 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-62 - Archetype: Cyclone Mage - Player: Asmodai
mage 10,760 5 years ago 31

Cyclone Mage – Rise of Shadows – #17 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-61 - Archetype: Cyclone Mage - Player: Asmodai
mage 11,060 5 years ago 20

Control Warrior – Rise of Shadows – Top 150 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-61 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: Asmodai
warrior 11,360 5 years ago 25

Control Dragon Warrior – Rise of Shadows – Asmodai

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-61 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: Asmodai
warrior 12,600 5 years ago 2

Control Discard Warlock – Rastakhan 2nd Nerf – Asmodai

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-59 - Player: Asmodai
warlock 10,640 5 years ago 2

Resurrect (Clone) Priest – Rastkahan Post-Nerf – #1 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-58 - Archetype: Resurrect Priest - Player: Asmodai
priest 12,940 5 years ago 9

Asmodai’s Rastakhan Shudderwock Evolve Shaman

Format: raven - Style: meta-deck - Season: season-57 - Archetype: Tempo Shudderwock Shaman - Player: Asmodai
shaman 13,680 5 years ago 7

Asmodai’s #11 Legend Resurrect Priest (Post Nerf Boomsday)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-56 - Archetype: Resurrect Priest - Player: Asmodai
priest 12,540 5 years ago 17

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Zerek’s OTK Big Priest (Boomsday)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-54 - Archetype: Resurrect Priest - Player: Asmodai
priest 14,040 5 years ago 129

Asmodai’s (Savjz) #69 Legend Big Priest (Boomsday)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-54 - Archetype: Resurrect Priest - Player: Asmodai
priest 13,680 5 years ago 54

Legend Boomsday Tempo Shudderwock Shaman – #30 (Asmodai)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Tempo Shudderwock Shaman - Player: Asmodai
shaman 14,980 6 years ago 12

Boomsday Tempo Mage – #19 Legend (Asmodai)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-53 - Archetype: Tempo Mage - Player: Asmodai
mage 5,200 6 years ago 66

Asmodai’s Witchwood Cube Taunt Druid (April 2018)

Format: raven - Style: ladder - Season: season-49 - Player: Asmodai
druid 9,800 6 years ago 49

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Big Priest (March 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-48 - Archetype: Big Priest - Player: Asmodai
priest 10,880 6 years ago 7

Asmodai’s #29 Legend Barnes Spell Hunter (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Spell Hunter - Player: Asmodai
hunter 8,420 6 years ago 3

Asmodai’s #5 Legend OTK Paladin (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Exodia Paladin - Player: Asmodai
paladin 11,500 6 years ago 15

Asmodai’s Post-Nerf Legend OTK/Exodia Paladin (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Exodia Paladin - Player: Asmodai
paladin 11,560 6 years ago 21

Asmodai’s OTK Paladin – Top 100 Legend (January 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-46 - Player: Asmodai
paladin 11,600 6 years ago 24
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