Paladin decks can be very versatile. Decks range from Aggressive, Midrange, and Control. Paladin is able to utilize its Hero Power to win attrition battles against other Control decks, and is able to continually put minions on the board to feed aggressive decks! Paladin also has many strong class cards, such as Shielded Minibot, Truesilver Champion, and Tirion Fordring.


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Paladin Cards

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Deck Arcane Dust Updated Score

Crane333’s Midrange Paladin – HCT EU Summer Playoffs 2018

Format: raven - Style: tournament - Season: season-50 - Archetype: Midrange Paladin - Player: Crane333
6,840 6 years ago 5

Ike’s N’Zoth Control Paladin ft. Benevolent Djinn, Silver Vanguard

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin - Player: Ike
11,880 6 years ago 26

Thijs’ K&C N’Zoth Recruit Paladin ft. Potion of Heroism, Benevolent Djinn

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Player: Thijs
11,260 6 years ago 5

StrifeCro’s K&C N’Zoth Control Paladin ft. Pearl Spellstone, Lynessa Sunsorrow

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin - Player: StrifeCro
12,680 6 years ago 7
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