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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Hotform’s Legend Kobolds N’Zoth Deathrattle Druid

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Player: Hotform
druid 10,760 6 years ago 22

C0ntrolBoy’s #2 Legend Kobolds Highlander Razakus Priest

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Highlander Priest
priest 10,700 6 years ago 16

FreddyB’s Legend Kobolds Aggro Jade Shaman

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Aggro Jade Shaman
shaman 6,400 6 years ago 27

Savjz’s Control Demon Warlock – Top 15 Legend

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Control Demon Warlock - Player: Savjz
warlock 9,640 6 years ago 90

Thijs’ Kobolds Malygos Druid ft. Jasper Spellstone, Twig of the World Tree

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Malygos Druid - Player: Thijs
druid 13,780 6 years ago 10

NickChipper’s Big Deathstalker Hunter ft. Kathrena Winterwisp

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Player: NickChipper
hunter 9,380 6 years ago 29

Sipwi’s #1 Legend Wild Aggro Token Druid (Kobolds and Catacombs)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Aggro Token Druid - Player: Sipiwi94
druid 6,040 6 years ago 17

Hyped’s #1 Legend Dragon Razakus Highlander Priest

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Highlander Dragon Priest - Player: Hyped
priest 10,080 6 years ago 7

RenoJackson’s #2 Legend Wild Big Dragon Shaman (Kobolds and Catacombs)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-45
shaman 14,100 6 years ago 11

Frostee’s N’Zoth Control Paladin ft. Plated Beetle, Call to Arms (Kobolds and Catacombs)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
paladin 12,800 6 years ago 15

Theo’s Big Priest ft. Psychic Scream, Embrace the Shadow

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Big Priest - Player: Theo
priest 12,380 6 years ago 16

Control’s #1 Legend Wild Aggro Paladin (Kobolds and Catacombs)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Aggro Paladin - Player: Control
paladin 8,460 6 years ago 38

ntR’s #9 Legend Kobolds Quest Rogue ft. Sonya Shadowdancer

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Quest Rogue
rogue 8,160 6 years ago 7

Updated: BoarControl’s #1 Legend Kobolds Tempo Rogue

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: BoarControl
rogue 9,880 6 years ago 16

MSorbet’s #1 Legend Kobolds Highlander Dragon Razakus Priest

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Highlander Dragon Priest
priest 12,260 6 years ago 16

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Kobolds Big Druid ft. Dragonhatcher, Sleepy Dragon

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Big Druid - Player: Asmodai
druid 15,440 6 years ago 30

Justsaiyan’s Kobolds Control Demonlock ft. Chittering Tunneler, Voidlord

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Control Demon Warlock - Player: Justsaiyan
warlock 7,540 6 years ago 3

Justsaiyan’s Kobolds Beast Druid ft. Dire Mole, Cursed Disciple

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Beast Druid - Player: Justsaiyan
druid 4,320 6 years ago 8

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Tempo Rogue ft. Elven Minstrel

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue
rogue 11,320 6 years ago 16

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Dragon Razakus Highlander Tempo Priest

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45
priest 13,260 6 years ago 22

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Murloc Paladin ft. Call to Arms, Spiteful Summoner

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Murloc Paladin
paladin 9,720 6 years ago 11

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Secret Face Hunter ft. Wandering Monster, Emerald Spellstone

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Secret Face Hunter
hunter 5,240 6 years ago 10

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Aggro Token Druid ft. Dire Mole

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Aggro Token Druid
druid 5,200 6 years ago 6

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Aggro Pirate Warrior ft. Mithril Spellstone, Spiteful Summoner

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Aggro Pirate Warrior
warrior 9,720 6 years ago 11

TeamLUL’s Trinity Series Warlock Demon Zoo

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Zoo Warlock
warlock 7,600 6 years ago 15
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