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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Meati’s Miracle Rogue – #1 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue
rogue 11,000 7 years ago 19

Meati’s Dragon Priest – #7 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Dragon Priest
priest 6,400 7 years ago 6

Ike’s Aggro Token Druid (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Token Druid
druid 4,380 7 years ago 0

Sveiks’ Secret Mage – #1 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Secret Mage
mage 2,160 7 years ago 18

Sjoesie’s Spell Combo Priest – #10 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Combo Priest
priest 6,400 7 years ago 5

Sempok’s Aggro Shaman (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Aggro Shaman - Player: Sempok
shaman 6,200 7 years ago 1

Zetalot’s Legend Dragon Priest (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Dragon Priest - Player: Zetalot
priest 5,860 7 years ago 0

Zananananan’s Legend Midrange Paladin (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Midrange Paladin - Player: Zananananan
paladin 11,960 7 years ago 6

Ponta’s Discard Handlock (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38
warlock 4,560 7 years ago 23

J4CKIECHAN’s Wild Legend Combo Priest (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Combo Priest - Player: J4CKIECHAN
priest 2,040 7 years ago 4

Titan’s Legend Elemental Priest (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38
priest 4,760 7 years ago 9

NickChipper’s Midrange Hunter (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Midrange Hunter - Player: NickChipper
hunter 1,940 7 years ago 12

Sytrax’s Legend Secret Mage (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Secret Mage
mage 2,160 7 years ago 14

Frodan’s Wild Dragon Priest (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Dragon Priest - Player: Frodan
priest 6,000 7 years ago 9

Fibonacci’s Un’Goro Control Dragon Warrior (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Player: Fibonacci
warrior 10,340 7 years ago 41

PHONETAP’s Wild Tempo Mage – #1 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Tempo Mage - Player: PhoneTap
mage 5,860 7 years ago 24

Dwayna’s Legend Elemental Shaman (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Elemental Shaman - Player: Dwayna
shaman 5,360 7 years ago 26

Rase’s Legend Quest Rogue (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: Rase
rogue 5,680 7 years ago 5

Rase’s Discover Burn Mage (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Burn Mage - Player: Rase
mage 8,260 7 years ago 7

Rase’s Control Paladin (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Control Paladin - Player: Rase
paladin 13,580 7 years ago 7

StrifeCro’s 12 Win Wild Combo Renolock – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl

Format: wild - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Reno Warlock - Player: StrifeCro
warlock 16,060 7 years ago 3

Puksin’s Legend Secret Mage (May 2017, Season 38)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Secret Mage
mage 4,560 7 years ago 13

Thijs’ 12 Win Freeze Mage – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl

Format: wild - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Freeze Mage - Player: Thijs
mage 9,340 7 years ago 30

Masinc’s 12 Win Reno Kazakus Mage – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl

Format: wild - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Reno Mage
mage 14,600 7 years ago 1

Ant’s 12 Win Warlock Zoo – Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl

Format: wild - Style: tavern-brawl - Season: season-38 - Archetype: Zoo Warlock - Player: Ant
warlock 6,220 7 years ago 14
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