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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Tylerootd’s Caverns Below Rogue – #8 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: Tyler
rogue 5,160 7 years ago -1

Cross7224’s Un’Goro Murloc Midrange Paladin – #13 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Player: Cross7224
paladin 10,240 7 years ago 8

Kycoo’s Crystal Core Quest Rogue – #2 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Quest Rogue
rogue 5,040 7 years ago 4

Nagon’s Jade Shaman – #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Midrange Jade Shaman
shaman 4,680 7 years ago 24

Hotform’s Un’Goro Legend Elemental Jade Shaman (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Elemental Shaman - Player: Hotform
shaman 7,040 7 years ago 30

Savjz’s Un’Goro Control Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Control Paladin - Player: Savjz
paladin 11,000 7 years ago 74

Matpakke’s Un’Goro Legend Jade Druid (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Jade Druid
druid 6,180 7 years ago 16

Monsanto’s Un’Goro Glyph Freeze Mage (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Freeze Mage - Player: Monsanto
mage 8,200 7 years ago 16

Weghuz’s Un’Goro Midrange Jade Shaman (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Midrange Jade Shaman - Player: weghuz
shaman 7,240 7 years ago 43

Trump’s Un’Goro Midrange Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Midrange Paladin - Player: Trump
paladin 8,720 7 years ago 35

Payton’s Un’Goro Freeze Mage #1 Legend China (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Freeze Mage - Player: Payton
mage 8,160 7 years ago 24

Sjow’s Un’Goro Control Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Control Paladin - Player: Sjow
paladin 10,400 7 years ago 10

Zalae’s Crystal Core Quest Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: Zalae
rogue 5,040 7 years ago 8

Thijs’ Un’Goro Inner Fire Silence Priest (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Inner Fire Priest - Player: Thijs
priest 4,280 7 years ago 45

Budget Un’Goro Warlock Zoo (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: budget - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Zoo Warlock
warlock 1,640 7 years ago 24

wtybill’s Un’Goro Handlock – #20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Hand Warlock - Player: WtyBill
warlock 6,100 7 years ago 38

Budget Un’Goro Elemental Hand Buff Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: budget - Season: season-37
paladin 1,660 7 years ago 18

Budget Un’Goro Face Hunter (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: budget - Season: season-37
hunter 1,580 7 years ago 3

Kolento’s Un’Goro Elemental Buff Paladin (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Player: Kolento
paladin 4,060 7 years ago 196

Vlps’ N’Zoth Deathrattle Priest (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: N'Zoth Priest - Player: Vlps
priest 8,840 7 years ago 7

Sempok’s Un’Goro Tempo Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Sempok
rogue 8,560 7 years ago 24

Freakeh’s Un’Goro Questing Miracle Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Freakeh
rogue 10,560 7 years ago 5

TidesofTime’s Midrange Beast Hunter (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Midrange Hunter - Player: TidesOfTime
hunter 2,340 7 years ago 7

StanCifka’s Un’Goro Crystal Core Quest Rogue – Throne of Cards IV

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: StanCifka
rogue 6,580 7 years ago 23

StanCifka’s Un’Goro Control Warlock – Throne of Cards IV

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-37 - Player: StanCifka
warlock 8,680 7 years ago 12
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