C’Thun, C’Thun… C’THUN!!! Current C’Thun Decks in Hearthstone Standard

C'Thun was the main attraction coming into the launch of the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion. It had a brief bit of dominance very early on, but as the game settles down most of the decks are in the mid-tier of the meta. C’Thun Warrior seems to be the best of the decks, but this isn’t saying too much because Warrior is in a pretty insane state right now. The class has many different decks that can be played to legend: Tempo, Control, Patron, Pirate, Dragon, and C’Thun. The positive for C’Thun decks is the meta is relatively diverse and you can play a lot of different decks and still find success. So, if you’re looking for a C’Thun deck to play, check out the lists below!

Standout C’Thun (Acolytes) Minions

  • Twin Emperor Vek'lor: Getting two 4/6 taunts on turn-7 is prettttttty good. It helps stop aggro decks, and allows you to get back into the game if you were behind.
  • Dark Arakkoa: This minion is so good that people have been including it in their Ramp Druid lists that don’t have any C’Thun synergy. It goes to show you that good taunt minions are at a premium right now, and there’s a surprising lack of them in Standard. This card also can guarantee that your C’Thun is a 10/10 which could enable Twin Emperor Vek’lor the next turn for a wall of taunts. +3/+3 is the highest guaranteed C’Thun buff of any Acolyte cards.
  • Ancient Shieldbearer: That 10 Armor can be pretty relevant whether you’re behind in a game, or you need to Shield Slam something. It also gets out of hand if you pair it with Brann Bronzebeard.
  • Twilight Darkmender: This is a pretty good card in a not so great class. C’Thun Priest isn’t the strongest C’Thun deck, but this card has strong stats and a powerful effect.

The Not-So-Great Acolytes

C’Thun Deck Lists in Standard

Druid initially looked like the best place for C'Thun. It has ramp options in InnervateWild Growth, and has two of the strongest class Acolytes with Dark Arakkoa and Klaxxi Amber-Weaver. The problem is the deck can play a bit clunky, you won’t get your ramp and some of the Acolytes are underwhelming. Klaxxi is really good if you’re able to get the 4/10 on curve, but this rarely happens. There will be times, however, that you are able to get a turn 5 Twin Emperor Vek'lor by using Innervate which is one of the highlights of the deck.

Deck List

Rogue has probably been one of the least popular C’Thun decks (along with Mage) that actually got itself a C’Thun class card. Ryzen is a very strong Rogue player, so it was interesting to see his take on the deck. Blade of C'Thun functions as a far more expensive but versatile Big Game Hunter in the deck. The rest of the deck leverages the strong pieces of Rogue with C’Thun minions, but also includes a Gadgetzan Auctioneer to draw into potential answers and threats.

Deck List

Renolock is a pretty strong deck that can be infused with C’Thun synergy. The deck shares similar problems with most Reno decks as it can just draw cards in the wrong order, or not have the Reno Jackson in hand when it needs it. Thijs ran a similar list that went on a strong run early in the season.

Deck List

C’Thun provides a strong option for Warrior along with the impressive Ancient Shieldbearer. The ability to combo this card with something like Brann Bronzebeard makes it extra scary. The lack of Acolyte minions might look weird at first, but you only really care if C’Thun hits 10/10 which will enable your Vek’lor and Shieldbearer. C’Thun becomes less of a finisher in this case and more of a board sweeper and large body. Doomcaller also finds a role which allows you to play C’Thun twice and help you in fatigue games.

Deck List


I honestly haven’t seen a strong C’Thun Priest list floating around. If this changes I’ll be sure to add it here!

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  1. Genieblood
    May 26, 2016 at 12:39 pm

    Check out the C’thun Reno Shadowpriest Deck that Day[9] played, I’ve been using it a bunch and I love it. It’s actually a pretty good control deck with C’thun just being an extra part that enables survival techniques like Twilight Darkmender and Twin Emperors. There is so much healing and you replace your hero power with a super-efficient control hero power.

  2. Pneumatiker
    May 25, 2016 at 12:35 am

    I’d say that the Disciple of C’thun is a standout card, too. I think I’ve not seen a single C’thun deck which doesn’t run him.